We're back!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Site closing.

It has been brought to my attention that there is legitament/legal site on the net that has been around longer than us, also by the name "MetalCentral"

Theres no point in fighting for the name, so Ill just start clean with a new, hopefully better blog. There are still plenty of albums to check out here, so make sure to search for some great albums.

Await the hour for Metal 'Til Death

P.S. All friends of this blog, please add a link to the new site.

Thanks and regards


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats lame that you've gotta close this site, hope the new one is just as good.

6:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well that sucks. Glad to see you're sticking around, though.
Looking forward to the new page :)

7:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

See you there, m8!!

7:17 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Wow man - my heart sank when I read "Blog Closing"

Glad it's only a name change !!

Best Wishes for the new blog

1:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I for one am sure the new one will be every bit as good. Why wouldn't it be? As one of the better metal blogs, I'm glad you're sticking around.

4:54 PM

Blogger DeathKing said...

Thanks for the feedback. I think the new one blog will be even better than this one.

Id put it up now but Im having major troubles with blogger.

4:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well let's start the new one thanx for the "metal central" r.i.p.

9:05 AM


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